Give Kids a Snuggle
Bryanna’s Love offers comfort and support to families whose child is facing a cancer diagnosis and are undergoing treatment in a hospital setting. We will do this primarily by providing children battling cancer on the oncology units a soft stuffed animal to snuggle, and a blanket to cuddle. In addition, we will offer their families a cozy blanket for comfort as they encourage their child every day. All stuffed animals and blankets are collected through our Give Kids A Snuggle Campaign whereby generous people purchase the new items and donate them to us. We then donate each and every received item to the children and their families at the hospital. We are also sending stuffed animals to kids during the COVID19 crisis so they have stuffed animals to snuggle during this trying time. Please submit an intake form (below) for get started with our services.
NOTE: Bryanna’s Love does not require a social worker or physician referral to be eligible for our programs (this is applicable to only Bryanna’s Love programs and not our partner programs). We have been in your shoes, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you. We are here for you for as long as you need our support.